Mar 11, 2011

Top 8 WoW PvP Videos

After long day of battleground I just notice that I'm still a noob and need more practice for my hunter and my pet. So I logout and watch more videos for more hunter moves. But I just notice that I need to study other class do so I can anticipate what they planning to do.

So I'd like to share with you guys hope you it might helpful for you also most of the videos are old but very useful. Here's my Top 9 WoW PvP Videos.

Rank #8 : Boneshock Destro Warlock PvP

Mar 2, 2011

WoW Music Video: WotLK Cinematics

Back in Wrath of the Lich King, I'm sure everyone loves the video and its musical background. How it was compose and sang, how the musical notes being arranged? Well I got his video from you youtube, the behind the video musical footage.

Awesome right? But after that, did your character still stock in grinding or farming for golds for your mounts or epic equips. Well I do recommend to buy wow gold. Buy wow gold from authority sites only. Who can deliver your wow gold safe and fast.

I highly recommend to buy wow gold at, its 8 years excistance in the business shows their credibility and being as the No.1 Authorithy sites in terms of selling wow gold. They got other games even the latest one and sell other currency too like DCUO Cash and RIFT Plat.

That's it! Hope you enjoy watching the WotLK behind the video, musical background.

Feb 25, 2011

WoW in 4D? via ScentScape

wow scent scape
A new product called the ScentScape was presented by creator Scent Sciences. The device is synchronized with whatever you’re watching or playing and at certain points throughout, a specific scent is triggered and sent out to nearby nostrils. This make players more immersive and interactive that before and has the potential to be an endlessly amusing sensory experience.

The machine will hold a cartridge that contains twenty basic scents at the moment, ranging from cinnamon and pine trees in a forest to the ocean, flowers, or smoke. And with how many accurate scents we see being pulled off by places like Yankee Candle, it’s safe to assume the possibilities are endless. These cartridges will be available in standard packs or “media specific,” which is assumed to mean that scents will be customized to a certain movie or game, and are said to last around 200 hours each. How long it really last will depend on you, however, as you will have a “volume” option if you’d like the scent to be weaker or stronger.

Feb 23, 2011

RIFT Guide: How to Create a New Character

rift plat

Whether it’s your first attempt to create a new Ascended hero or merely wish to know the fundamentals of character creation in RIFT, this short guide will help you create the ideal avatar for protecting the world of Telara.

Faction Options
In RIFT, players can join 2 rival factions in their quest to save Telara from the dragons that are attempting to destroy or rule over it.

As a member of the Guardians faction, you may lend your service to the Vigil, a pantheon of powerful gods. Guardians are devout to their cause and use their Ascended powers to guard the innocent on the gods' behalf.
But you can also join the Defiants faction, who distrust the Vigil and rely instead on technology to defeat the planar attackers. Defiants seek long-forgotten magical weapons that help them defeat their enemies and perhaps earn a little RIFT Plat while they are at it.

Feb 18, 2011

DCUO Guide: Popular Builds for Beginners

dcuo builds
Are you making a new hero or villain in DC Universe Online? Get a proficient power-house super-toon when you follow these popular builds for beginners.

For Tough Tanks
Budding tanks should take up the Ice powerset ( Cryogenics specialization ) over the admittedly squishier Fire powerset ( Immolation specialization ). While your damage output will be decreased by twenty percent in Ice tanking form, you'll have full use of damage mitigation talents that raise your defense and toughness stats, and keep you from easily falling in battle. You also get strong resistances against the debuff and control spells of Gadgets and Mental power users.